Wilhelmina - Boots! Boots, guise! BOOTS!

7:38 PM

Just a quick update . . . MY BOOTS ARE ALMOST FUCKING DONE!

I am almost done with these damn things!  Just need to weather the yellow armor patch on the left shin guard and I'm gonna call it done!  The boot album is below and you can see it for yourself, if you want.  I am not wearing the leggings that will complete the illusion of one continuous boot instead of separate boot and shin pieces.  I'll post the whole thing when I've got it all squared away and have some time.

I know this isn't a big deal for most people, but this is huge for me.  I have only done boots twice . . . but I have done them enough to know I fucking hate them.  I am so happy these are almost done and I actually LIKE how they are turning out!

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