Wilhelmina Cosplay - Wolf and Saint Drones Coming Together

7:01 PM

I was sick today.  It sucked.  Headache, hard time breathing, sinuses acting like assholes.  Well, not literally, but it was pretty gross.  I won't go into too much detail but there was a lot of . . . ummm . . . drainage.

Anyway . . .

As I was home, I decided I would try to be productive.  Whether I was sick or not.  Since I was in bed, I knew it couldn't be the boots, so I went with progressing on the drones.  Worked out well because I could stay in bed and watch Parks and Rec all day while detailing and assembling.  Was a good time!

I'm going to make this relatively short and sweet.  The slideshow images are below, so you can just look through them and stuff.  Sorry, I'm not being lazy . . . well, I am, but that's neither here nor there.  The truth is, there isn't much reason for me to go step by little step on these.  Most of what I did here you can find in my Bad Touch posts.  So, here's the slide shows.  Oh, and reference pics are on my pinterest board for Wilhelmina.

Wilhelmina Cosplay - Wolf

Wilhelmina Cosplay - Saint

I already had the pieces printed and mostly trimmed and shaped to fit together; so I had to do very little in finishing things up on that end, which was nice.   That let me start right in with detailing.  

After looking at the reference pictures and the models I made, I decided there were a few places where I could put some plating to either look more authentic or enhance the shape using 2mm foam.  These went on the wings and engine section for Wolf and around the front shell and underside detailing for Saint.  These were just cut, attached with ABS goop, and trimmed further to make them what I wanted.

I then started adding other details like the wiring and tubing in the reference shots.  I used some scrap el wire for this, bending it around the shapes and angles I wanted before attaching them to the model with ABS goop.  For the ones I wanted to bend away from the sides of the models a bit, I bent them how I would like and secured them heavily with ABS goop shaped into ports in which the wiring enters the body of the drone.  This gives the wires enough of a base to secure them in place despite their open angles.

As Wolf is the bigger of the two drones (about twice the size of Saint), I wanted to have some more detail on her.  I heated up some scrap worbla and molded it into some cylinder shapes to use as large tubing and fuel lines.  For some reason I didn't take pictures of this . . . sorry.  These went from to back, along the upper sides and run under the front shell, while the fuel lines went below the engine piece to the back of the engine.

I really like how they've turned out and I can wait to start painting and working on the lighting and wiring.  Then I just need to work out the harness that will be holding these up from my back and over my shoulder.  Exciting times!

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